Psychological services
Specialising in healing through providing individually tailored assessment and therapy.
Pacific Psychology’s founding philosophy is to create supportive environments in which people flourish and grow. It is of utmost importance to the team at Pacific Psychology that our clients feel understood, respected, validated and supported during therapy. It can be a brave and difficult decision to approach a therapist and we very much respect this. During therapy, we seek to provide you over time with skills and empowerment to become your own ‘therapist’.
Our Team
A team of registered psychologists specializing in healing from a variety of mental health conditions and/or adverse life situations.

Henk Smith
Registered Psychologist
Individual Therapy Availability: unavailable
Tauranga and Online
Henk has over 20 years’ experience working as a psychologist in both District Health Board and private practice sectors. Henk is known for his warm and caring nature and enjoys working one-on-one with people to become empowered against their difficulties. This could include difficulties with self-esteem, depression, anxiety, stress, panic, trauma, loss, struggles with eating or another aspect that limits someone from living a meaningful and fulfilling life.
Henk has extensive experience working with people presenting with a broad range of mental and emotional difficulties. Henk uses feedback informed treatment as a regular part of his practice. Feedback informed treatment is a way to track whether clients are making the changes they want to be making in their lives.
Henk is a Registered Psychologist with the New Zealand Psychologist Board and holds the HPCA Act general scope of psychology practice. He is a member of the New Zealand Psychological Society. Henk is also registered as an ACC provider for sensitive claims, training for independence and psychological services.
Henk trained in South Africa at the University of Stellenbosh, graduating in 2001 with a Master of Counselling Psychology. Henk relocated to New Zealand in 2004. Henk is competent in a range of therapeutic interventions, including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) which is a mindfulness-based approach, Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders (CBT-E), Integrative Cognitive Affective Therapy (ICAT) for Bulimia Nervosa, Eye Movement Desensitising and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Structural Dissociation for complex trauma. Henk completed his EMDR training through the EMDR International Association. Henk tailors his approach to each individual.
In his spare time, Henk enjoys spending time with his young family, camping, snowboarding, and keeping fit.

Hyunok Jeon
Clinical psychologist
Individual Therapy Availability: available
Auckland and Online
I am a Clinical Psychologist and Certified IFS therapist. My intention as a psychologist is to support people to understand the impacts of various past events happened in their lives and create some space for a more relaxed and integrated state of mind.
I use Internal Family System model as a main modality for my therapy. I also use EMDR when it appears helpful at times.
I provide individual therapies and supervisions (individual and group), and I am currently in the process to be a Certified Supervisor from IFS institute. I have worked as a programme assistant for IFS trainings of Level One and Two in Australia and Asian regions, for the last few years.
I migrated from Korea in 2000, as an adult. I had my psychology training in NZ, worked in community mental health settings for about ten years, and currently in the full-time private practice on the North Shore, Auckland. My previous background before the psychology includes having my first degree in Fine Art, and then I found a passion in writing so worked as a journalist and freelancer in Korea for a while.
Some of the major therapy trainings and practitioners that my current practice has been influenced by are:
IFS Level one and two with Einat Bronstein, Somatic IFS for clinicians with Susan McConnell, IFIO basic training with Toni Herbine Blank. Clinical application of Polyvagal theory level 1 with Deb Dana, EMDR Master’s intensive training with Roger Solomon, Drawing into Self/IFS using drawing with Ruth Calver, IFS for Preverbal trauma with Colleen West.
**Sessions are provided via zoom or in-person.
뉴질랜드에서 클리니컬 사이컬러지스트(임상심리학박사)로, 또 IFS 공식 인증 치료사로 일하고 있는 전현옥 입니다.
내담자분들이 자신 스스로와의 관계와 다른 사람과의 관계, 또 각자의 전문분야에서 긍정적이고 의미있는 변화를 창출하는데 걸림돌이 되는 심리적 요소를 이해하고 잘 포용해서 갈 수 있도록 돕는 작업을 통해 큰 보람을 느끼고 있습니다.
제가 주로 사용하는 치료기법은 내면가족시스템 치료 (Internal Family System Therapy) 입니다. EMDR도 적절하다고 느껴지면 사용 되어집니다.
현재 뉴질랜드 오클랜드에서 개인 상담센터를 운영하고 있습니다. 개인센터를 운영하기 전에 뉴질랜드, 오클랜드 센트럴과 와이테마타 국립 정신건강병원 외래센터에서 11년간 심리학 박사로 근무하면서 트라우마 치료접근방법에 대해 관심을 가지고 다양한 훈련을 적극적으로 받아왔습니다. 현재는 호주/뉴질랜드지역에서 IFS 트레이닝에 참가하는 치료사들의 훈련을 돕는 어시스턴트로 정기적으로 참여하고 있고, 뉴질랜드에서 그룹슈퍼비젼을 동료와 공동으로 진행하고 있습니다. 국제적 트라우마 트레이너들로부터, 동료 치료사들로부터, 내담자들로부터 배운 내용을 다시 제 상담에 이용하고 있으며, 여러분들에게 도움이 되길 바랍니다.
일반 개인 상담과 치료사들의 개인 혹은 그룹 슈퍼비젼을 제공하고 있습니다. 온라인이 주된 매체입니다. 대면은 일주일에 1-2회, 오클랜드 노스쇼어에서 진행됩니다.
주요 약력
- 전현옥 심리클리닉 2012-현재
- 오클랜드 국립정신건강 외래센터, 임상심리학 박사, 2012-2021
- 메시 대학 부속 오클랜드 심리 치료센터 임상심리학 박사, 2010-2012
- IFS 국제 공인 치료사 자격증 (2024년 초 IFS 공식 슈퍼바이저 자격증 취득예정)
- IFS 국제 공식 레벨 1 과 2 수련에서 다수의 programme assistant 경력-호주/뉴질랜드, 한국
- IFS Level 1 & 2 수료, Somatic IFS 치료사 과정 수료, IFIO 치료 레벨 1 수료.
- Clinical Application of Polyvagal theory with Deb Dana, Level one training.
- EMDR 마스터 레벨 치료과정수료
- 임상심리학 석사, 박사 학위 수료, Massey University.
- 홍익대 산업공예과 학사

Jane Currie
Registered Clinical Psychologist
Supervision Availability: available
Individual Therapy Availability: unavailable
Tauranga Hamilton and Online
Jane is a NZ graduated Registered Clinical Psychologist, specialising in assisting others heal from the outcomes of physical, emotional, and sexual trauma and loss. Jane has experience with assisting clients with a wide variety of symptoms such as low mood, anxiety, panic, grief, pain, somatic complaints, difficulties with adjustment and symptoms relating to trauma. She also has clinical experience in dealing with life threatening illnesses (cancer), palliative care, and maternal mental health.
Jane is Scottish-born and lived in South Africa for sixteen years before immigrating to New Zealand, 34 years ago. She regards herself as a ‘Kiwi’ and enjoys working with a variety of cultures. She trained at the University of Waikato after an extensive business career and a post graduate degree in Economics. She founded and ran a cancer charity, Health Journeys, for three years that provided psycho-social support to clients with cancer in the Waikato, where her interest in psychology and dealing with distress developed. She had always interested in the ‘people’ side of business and therefore stepping into the meaningful work of a psychologist felt natural. Since graduating, Jane has worked in Adult Mental Health Services (BOPDHB) and the private sector. She is registered with the New Zealand Psychological Board under the clinical scope (registration number: 90-06476) and is a full member of the New Zealand Psychological Society.
Jane’s philosophy is to be a one-on-one guide who aids in the development of a safe and encouraging environment where clients can experience their own inner wisdom to learn and grow. She uses mainly Internal Family Systems (IFS) and is a Certified IFS therapist, but is also trained in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion Focused Therapy, Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Somatic Therapy. She currently holds a Sensitive Claims contract with ACC and has private clients. She provides supervision (group and individual) and provides therapy to other therapists in IFS.
Jane sees clients for two days a week online (Tuesday and Friday), one day a week in Mount Maunganui (Wednesday). and one day a week in Hamilton East (Thursday)
Janes interests include health, music, meditation, art, reading and exercise (especially walking her dog on the beach).

Tim Heetkamp
Registered Psychologist
Supervision Availability: unavailable
Individual Therapy Availability: unavailable
Tauranga and Online
Tim is a Registered Psychologist having completed an MA in Psychology and a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychological Practice at Massey University. Tim has a compassionate, genuine approach, applying evidence-based models of change to address a range of difficulties such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and addiction.
Tim has a wide range of life experience, having travelled extensively and working in diverse roles prior to his training as a psychologist.
Tim’s primary therapeutic modalities are Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and EMDR. Mindfulness is a foundational component in his therapy and he also he also incorporates nature-based ecotherapy where appropriate. Tim has extensive experience working with adolescents as well as adults. He is a provider under the ACC sensitive claims contract.

Amelia Ryan
Registered Psychologist
Supervision Availability: unavailable
Individual Therapy Availability: available
Amelia is a clinical psychologist who is passionate about creating a warm, compassionate, and non-judgmental space where clients can truly feel heard and supported. She has had the privilege of working in hospital, community, and forensic settings, helping individuals navigate a variety of life’s challenges including anxiety, depression, postnatal distress, trauma, autism, ADHD, stress and adjustment difficulties.
Her approach is collaborative, working closely with clients to tailor treatment to their unique needs. Amelia draws on evidence-based therapies, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), as well as techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). She is committed to trauma-informed practice and ensures that her work is both rainbow-friendly and neurodiversity-affirming.